Edmonds Ave NE / NE 12Th St

We can fullfill every insulation project you can imagine!

The Edmonds Ave NE / 12Th St neighborhood in Renton, WA, is a highly sought-after area with a median price of $594,505. This makes it more expensive than 65 percent of neighborhoods throughout Washington and 82% of the neighborhood across our nation.

With the average rental price in the Edmonds Ave NE / NE 12Th St neighborhood currently at $2,998, it's not surprising that 83.6% of neighborhoods have a lower cost than this.

Edmonds Ave NE/ 12Th St is a busy area with an urban feel. The neighborhood has many coffee shops and restaurants that line its narrow sidewalks, making it easy to spot potential newcomers in town just by looking down this one avenue.

Read more: Lake Desire / Maple Valley Heights

The Edmonds Ave NE/NE 12th St neighborhood is a great place to buy real estate. There are many three or four-bedroom homes that can suit your needs, as well some apartment complexes with dozens of units and high-rise apartments waiting for you in this beautiful neighborhood.

The residential real estate in this community is mostly owner-occupied. Many of the homes on Edmonds Ave NE / NE 12Th St have been established for less than 25 years, with most being built between 1970 and 1999. A number also date back as far as the 1940s or even prior to World War II.

The current vacancy rate in Edmonds Ave NE / NE 12Th St is 1.1%, which means that there are fewer homes for sale than what's available and desired by potential buyers here area-wide. This puts pressure on prices as well.

There are many higher-income neighborhoods in Renton, but the Edmonds Ave NE / NE 12Th St neighborhood stands out. This area has an above-average level of earnings for common areas across all social classes with a population density that is well distributed among different levels of education and skill levels - making it one such place you'll want to call home.

The diverse population of this beautiful neighborhood speaks many different languages. The most common spoken language here is English, with 65% reporting that they prefer to communicate in it at home versus any other language or dialect.

Read more: SE 192nd St / 146th Ave SE

In the Edmonds Ave NE /NE 12Th St neighborhood, most people drive alone to work. However, a small number of residents also carpool with coworkers or friends for their daily commute, which can be more cost-effective than purchasing a new vehicle if you live here.

Spray Foam Insulation Today of Renton, 900 S Grady Way, Renton, Washington, 98057, (425) 361-4517


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