The median price of homes in the SE 192nd St / 146th Ave SE neighborhood is $640,836, which ranks as one of the most expensive neighborhoods around. This makes it harder for people who can't afford such high prices to buy their own house or apartment rather than sharing with family members horizontally like many other Americans do today due largely because housing has become so sought-after--and oftentimes comes loaded up with amenities that make life easier on those living there.
The SE 192nd St / 146th Ave SE neighborhood cost of renting is higher than 78% percent for neighborhoods across the state. The average rental price currently stands at $2,835, which is more expensive compared with similarly sized areas nearby.
Renters will have access to great amenities like soundproofing windows; they can also expect central air conditioning units if desired settings are chosen by renters themselves during reservation processes or upon move-in dates after signing leases without any prior notice needs.
This is a suburban neighborhood located in Renton, Washington. Based on population density, the SE 192nd St / 146th Ave SE neighborhood seems to be more or less populated with houses and small businesses for people who work nearby as well.
SE 192nd St / 146th Ave is a neighborhood with an abundance of real estate options. There are some single-family homes, but the most popular type are apartment complexes or high rises that offer multiple bedrooms per unit for those who need them.
Read more: Edmonds Ave NE / NE 12Th St
The real estate in this area is mostly owner-occupied, with many homes that were built between 1970 and 1999. There's a small number of older structures, too, some dating back to before World War II.
The current vacancy rate in SE 192nd St / 146th Ave is much lower than the average for all neighborhoods nationwide. This means that there's an ample supply of housing here, making it more affordable to homeowners who want their homes filled up quickly without having too many people vying over limited resources.
In the SE 192nd St / 146th Ave neighborhood, you will find more large homes than 95.2% of other neighborhoods in America- which makes it stand out as one with a lot to offer. Walking or driving through here is going to be an experience like no other because these spacious properties are so beautiful and well maintained.
Read more: SE Renton Maple Valley Rd / 149th Ave SE
This is a beautiful place to live if you want a nice and peaceful neighborhood with plenty of space and plenty going on nearby. The SE 192nd St / 146th Ave SE community has an abundance of luxurious homes as well as stable real estate values, which makes it worth looking into for any professional who wants their kids raised by gentle people.
Spray Foam Insulation Today of Renton, 900 S Grady Way, Renton, Washington, 98057, (425) 361-4517