Lake Desire / Maple Valley Heights

We can fullfill every insulation project you can imagine!

The median price of homes in the Lake Desire / Maple Valley Heights neighborhood is $683,214, which makes it more expensive than 71.3 percent of neighborhoods across Washington.

The average rental price in the Lake Desire / Maple Valley Heights neighborhood is currently $2,373. This makes it higher than 61% of neighborhoods across Washington.

When it comes to suburban neighborhoods, there is definitely a lot of diversity. The Lake Desire / Maple Valley Heights community stands out as an attractive and peaceful place in Renton, with plenty going on for those who live here.

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You'll find a variety of homes in the Lake Desire / Maple Valley Heights neighborhood, from medium-sized to large four or more bedroom single-family houses. The community is home mostly by people who work at least ten minutes away from their house and prefer not having any children with them during weekdays because it's too much trouble going back and forth between school/work every day like some parents do while they're trying to save money on gas prices etcetera, so these types typically buy mobile homes which can be easily towed across town when needed.

It is fascinating to see how the residential real estate in this area has changed over time. There are many established homes, with some being quite new construction or built between 2000-now; whereas others were originally installed during a different era but have since been renovated into what we know today's architecture look like.

Lake Desire / Maple Valley Heights is a desirable neighborhood for families in Renton, Washington. In fact, this area has more family-friendly qualities than 95% of the other areas throughout all 50 states. Its combination of top public schools and low crime rates makes it an ideal place to live with peaceable communities that are supportive among its residents. Many people also enjoy living here because they can easily socialize while developing strong bonds within their community as well.

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The individuals who reside in this area are some of the wealthiest and most fortunate individuals around. The high-income levels show how successful they must be for their own families to live so comfortably while also providing an example that others can strive towards when wants or needs exceed basic necessities like food & shelter.

The people in this area have a lot going on. There are executives, managers, and professionals working as well as those that work in sales or service-related jobs such as fast-food servers.

Spray Foam Insulation Today of Renton, 900 S Grady Way, Renton, Washington, 98057, (425) 361-4517

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