Maplewood is a suburban neighborhood located in Renton, Washington. It has been called “the most acres of land” by its residents for its expansive acreage and large green spaces to enjoy from one’s own front lawns or spacious backyards with no neighbors close enough that they can observe what you’re doing at all times of the day.
Maplewood is a rather expensive neighborhood in comparison to other parts of Washington. The median price for real estate here, at $545687, is about 62% greater than average rates across all neighborhoods within the state limits as well 81% across our nation.
Maplewood is a great place to live if you can afford it. The average rental price here currently stands at $2,998, with costs being higher than 83% of neighborhoods in Washington.
Read more: Kennydale
Maplewood is a great place to buy real estate. The medium-sized homes in this neighborhood have three or four bedrooms, while larger properties can accommodate up to six people per dwelling with their respective pantries and living rooms.
Maplewood is a diverse neighborhood with many different types of homes. The majority are owner-occupied, though there’s also an interesting assortment that was built before 1999. When you drive through the quiet streets of Maplewood, it’s hard not to notice all those beautiful homes. There are plenty that was built between 1970 -1999 and many more between 1940-1969 as well.
With a vacancy rate of just 2.4%, Maplewood has tighter housing than 89% of all neighborhoods in America. This implies that there is not enough supply for what people want here, and the demand outweighs it by such large margins, which makes prices higher on average compared to other places across our country where this may be an issue.
In the Maplewood neighborhood in Renton, residents enjoy a higher income than most other places. This area has average household earnings, which ranks it among America’s 15% wealthiest neighborhoods.
The languages spoken by residents in this neighborhood are diverse. These findings show that 77% of households here prefer to communicate in English, while other important languages include Tagalog or Spanish. With such rich cultural diversity, it’s no wonder why Maplewood has become one of America’s most accepting cities when looked at nutritionally too.
Read more: Fairwood
The ethnic makeup of the Maplewood neighborhood in Renton, WA, is diverse. The largest groups are Asians, with 18% identifying their ancestry or ethnicity there as such and also many people who report Irish roots at 9%. Other significant populations include English descendants 7%, Norwegian 3-4 %, etc. In addition, 21% were born outside the US.
Spray Foam Insulation Today of Renton, 900 S Grady Way, Renton, Washington, 98057, (425) 361-4517